Ghost House
There’s a house near the river:
Windows stare vacant,
ragged curtains swell
in a south wind.
Paint peels
from the lopsided gate.
The barn is empty
except for a rusty three-bottom plow.
Door is off its hinges,
gangly weeds throttle
bare flower beds,
rangy grasses grow
in a once trim yard.
I had lunch on this back porch
in spring and danced
in the front room
on warm nights.
I canned in the summer kitchen
while clean sheets were whipped crisp
in the sun.
Starched shirts were pressed
on a wooden board,
and breezes whistled
through screen door holes
as big as my fist.
Today, the front steps creak
as I make my way
to the car,
walking by the chicken coop—
I drive to the highway
leaving the house behind:
windows stare vacant
ragged curtains swell
in a south wind.
I wrote this poem after driving by some abandoned farm houses that I could see from I-64 near Frankfort, KY. Now those houses are gone. They were torn down to make room for a clothing store and a Starbucks.
About Me

- Kathy in KY
- Fayette Co, KY, United States
- I am a country girl stuck in the city, for the time-being. I enjoy the country way of life, and practice that in my home as best I can by canning and preserving foods, cooking and baking from scratch, crocheting, living vicariously thru the many blogs I follow about country life. I enjoy learning about raising livestock, and glean from my past employment and personal experiences of working with animals to fuel some of my postings. I have 5 cats, who keep my life interesting. And I am also an amateur poet. Thanks for stopping by and checking out this Farmer-gal who is caught in town, for now.
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