Hey everyone! I'm in town and at the library in Casey Co. It's been a long time since I posted. I've been pretty busy getting ready for the Winter, and just had a rick of wood delivered. Plus I have over a rick of "slab wood" that is from a sawmill - smaller pieces and slabs of wood taken off the logs that have bark on them. And everything is in the woodsheds.
I've spent the last couple-three weeks canning. Turkeys were on sale at the local grocery store and I bought 2, just one at a time. I put it in my cooler on the front porch to thaw, then baked it in the woodstove. The first one turned out a little dry, but I got an oven thermometer for the second one and it turned out great. Between the 2 birds I got 11 quarts of meat, deboned. Then I canned 12 pints of chili. And now have 40 lbs of russett potatoes in the cellar waiting to be canned, and will hopefully get to those soon. Although the grocery store here has whole pork loin on sale very cheap, so I hope to get a couple and can those with a little onion and garlic added, and I can process that meat raw, and it makes its own juice.
My latest purchases besides wood have been a double-blade axe, and a small hatchet for splitting some of the slab wood that is too wide for the stove. Oh, and someone asked me if I had electricity. No, I don't have it, and I have the wood cookstove for heat and cooking. I'm finally almost all of the way unpacked, and have some more things to sort thru before moving my bed up to the loft. The cellar is under the whole cabin, so quite large for a cellar, and there's plenty of storage space, and a ton of shelving made just for canning jars. And with the hard, hard rains we had in the last few weeks, it doesn't leak at all - thank the Lord!
Sorry no pics today. I have been coming into town to do laundry, then take it home to hang dry, and there are lines running across the ceiling in the loft, so I can take home what I washed today and hang it up inside. The cats are doing great, and my youngest, Pookie, has caught numerous voles, and is so proud of himself that of course he brings them to me. One of my females, Annie, caught a vole and brought it inside and it was still alive, and it got away from her, so I'm assuming it got out some way since I've not seen it for weeks - or smelled anything dead! LOL
I'm not sure when my next posting will be. I don't come to the library much. If I come to town, I generally just get errands done, and need to get home to do chores, etc. But I'll try and be more reliable in the future. I really appreciate all ya'll's friendship and for following this blog. Oh, my email account had been hacked, but I went in and changed my password, so hopefully that will cause the hacking-sending out spam emails to stop.
Take care everyone, and I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. I sure hope I post before Christmas, and maybe next time I can post some pics of the cabin and valley in the Winter with snow. We have had a little snow lately, but this weekend we're getting rain on Saturday, then snow on Sunday with very low temps. It was in the single digits at night a few times this week. God's abundant blessings be upon you all. I'll be back soon, from Casey Co KY.
About Me

- Kathy in KY
- Fayette Co, KY, United States
- I am a country girl stuck in the city, for the time-being. I enjoy the country way of life, and practice that in my home as best I can by canning and preserving foods, cooking and baking from scratch, crocheting, living vicariously thru the many blogs I follow about country life. I enjoy learning about raising livestock, and glean from my past employment and personal experiences of working with animals to fuel some of my postings. I have 5 cats, who keep my life interesting. And I am also an amateur poet. Thanks for stopping by and checking out this Farmer-gal who is caught in town, for now.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Wash Day at the cabin
Just a quick post to show about the day I did laundry at the cabin. I am at the public library in Casey County checking email and doing this post. Hopefully I'll be coming into town once a week to check email and blog a bit. Without further ado - here is the first wash day at the cabin.
Not a very exciting post today, and I don't have a lot of extra time to spruce it up. Thanks so much to all of you for following this blog, and leaving comments - they are much appreciated. I'm gonna try and be more organized to get postings done on the day I come to town. I'm still unpacking, and also getting ready for the Winter. I've been able to get some wood delivered, and will get two or three more loads delivered by the end of the month.
Blessings to you all - have a wonderful week. We're gonna have great weather so I can get some things done outside, as soon as I get over this cold. Thanks for stopping by and reading this post today. Have a blessed Monday. Take care, from Casey Co.
My bathtub doubled as a washtub for doing the wash.
And the agitator is my trusty sponge mop.
My boiling water bath canning pots served as my rinse tubs.
The load was too big to do all of the rinsing in one tub.
Here I've finished rinsing half of the load and the other
is waiting to be rinsed.
Here's the rinsed load with my basket of wooden clothes pin.
It's ready for hanging on the line.
And - TA-DA - here is the clean laundry hanging on the clothesline
that I had to put up that day - it was about 5 p.m. when I finally got
the laundry hung out to dry, and it stayed out overnight
and all the next day to dry.
Blessings to you all - have a wonderful week. We're gonna have great weather so I can get some things done outside, as soon as I get over this cold. Thanks for stopping by and reading this post today. Have a blessed Monday. Take care, from Casey Co.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Simple Silent Sunday
A photo from fotosearch.com of a view I am seeing often since I moved to Casey Co.
Have a peaceful-blessed Sunday, Ya'll.
Take care.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Meet the Neighbors
These gals and guys are my company most days. I like to sit outside in the rocking chair on the front porch, and it is so quiet that I can hear them pulling the grass up with their mouths. You will see that the pasture looks very highly grazed. The Mennonite young man who takes care of my neighbors comes everyday and moves them to new pasture. So this area is part of an intensive grazing system. Sometimes they get out of their fence and come and visit me around the cabin. So without further ado - Meet the Neighbors.
I think I need a new digital camera - so that will go into the budget planning over the next few months. It is overcast today - but this seems really washed-out, sorry for the poor quality. Looks to me like there is a mix of dairy and beef cows - Holstein crossed with Angus, Hereford, and Charlois - a lot of the females have that bony appearance of dairy cows.
Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday, and have a blesseed rest of the week.
Take care Ya'll, from Casey Co KY.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Amish America Book Giveaway
The blog Amish America is having a book giveaway on their site for a book that talks about the religious and spiritual beliefs of Amish. Here is the link to the first part of an interview that was done with the authors of the new book. Check this out, the 2 interviews are very good and informative. Hope you're all having a great day - have a wonderful and blessed Monday. Take care, from Casey Co. Here is the link:
Amish Way Book Giveaway
I'll continue over the next few days on what is happening new down here in the sticks.
Amish Way Book Giveaway
I'll continue over the next few days on what is happening new down here in the sticks.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Simple Sunday - just some shots
Just some photos today - here is the view looking to the back of the cabin.
There's my bathtub on the wall, and the door to the left is to the
dumb-waiter that is lowered to the sub-basement to keep things cool.
I think there may be something wrong with my camera, but this looks a bit
blurry on the left, but this is the back of the cabin, so you can see the
size of the place in this photo. And it is built on a hill, so that is what
you see from the front, the three levels. There on the right leaning up against
the cabin is my mailbox post, someone pulled it up out of the ground
before I had a chance to put up a mailbox. So, my landlords are gonna
get it put back up and I'll then get a mailbox.
That bar across the top got into the photo - it is one arm on the
clothes line frame, but I need to get some clothes line wire for it.
Here is a photo of the woodshed, and also the outhouse, and you can't
see it, but the rope is attached to an old farm bell, just in case I run into
trouble. I don't get any cell phone reception down in the valley. My neighbors
down the valley should be able to hear me.
This is a little blurry thru the windshield of my truck - it's on the way down
the ridge into the valley where the cabin is located.
Another photo out of the windshield. This is what it looks like coming up
from the valley, onto the ridge opening, then I go thru this little bit of
wooded area to get to the main road.
Hope you enjoyed these photos today. I meant for it to be a simple
Sunday post, and it turned out more complicated than I thought.
I'm getting online mainly at my friend's home, so I don't have to
go into the public library.
Take care All - and have a blessed Sunday.
From Casey Co.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
A quick note without photos
The photo of the cabin from far off just makes it look big. The main floor is just 16 x 20 sq ft, and the loft is 16 x 10 sq ft. I'll take a photo from the back so you can get a better perspective. Yes, there is an outhouse, and yes I do have a chamber-pot of sorts so I don't have to go out to the "house" after dark, I just dump it in the morning. Three of the 5 cats will go out regularly when I am there, I don't let them outside when I'm not there yet. The other 2 are a little skittish, but it's just been one week.
I'm working today at my friend's farm, but will take more pics later on today to post tomorrow or so, to give a better view of the outside of the cabin. The front that I showed is the basement entrance, the main floor's porch, and then the loft's porch.
Thanks so much for your well-wishes. It is so good to hear from everyone. I miss getting online to visit with you all, although I do like the solitude of the cabin. I'll try and take some photos of the road I drive down into the valley to the home.
Better get to work. My friend is waiting. Beautiful weather here this week, and good to be working outside in the gardens. Take care All, and have a blessed Wednesday. Finally, from Casey Co KY.
I'm working today at my friend's farm, but will take more pics later on today to post tomorrow or so, to give a better view of the outside of the cabin. The front that I showed is the basement entrance, the main floor's porch, and then the loft's porch.
Thanks so much for your well-wishes. It is so good to hear from everyone. I miss getting online to visit with you all, although I do like the solitude of the cabin. I'll try and take some photos of the road I drive down into the valley to the home.
Better get to work. My friend is waiting. Beautiful weather here this week, and good to be working outside in the gardens. Take care All, and have a blessed Wednesday. Finally, from Casey Co KY.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
My coming home move
I made it to Casey Co, and will post some pics, but not a lot of detail right now. Everything went fine with the move, finally. The guy that was supposed to load for me was stuck in FL on another move, and when he thought he would be in town, was still stuck in FL - so the move had to be changed to last Tuesday.
OK - here are some shots of the cabin and area.
OK - here are some shots of the cabin and area.
This is a shot of the cabin from across the way, and that is the driveway
going up to it. That cross piece of wood by the cabin is the hitching
post for the horses when my Mennonite landlords, Mr and Mrs W
come to visit or if someone comes to repair something.
This is a shot taken from my front porch of the stone bridge that was built
by the W family, who built the cabin for their son and his wife.
A morning shot from the front porch.
The porch faces north, and the cabin sits in a valley
so there is fog every morning, and heavy dew.
Here is the dairy barn when Mr and Mrs W's son was
trying to get into the dairy business, but was not successful.
So the buildings are not being used now, but I am hoping
that I may find some use for them in the future.
This is inside the cabin facing the back, or south.
I think you can see the staircase going up to the loft, and
there is Alpheus on the cat tree.
This is the wood cookstove with my various "tools" needed
for cooking. I have just been warming up food on the stove,
and haven't really done any cooking yet, but am planning
a trip to the grocery store today to pick up a few things.
So I will cook tonight, hopefully.
This is kind of a dark photo - but it is my cat Sarah,
and a basket of goodies, and a flowering plant that Mrs W
brought over when she and Mr W came my first day in
the cabin. They came to give me a crash-course on
lighting the wood stove, and a few other things
I needed to know.
That's all the news from here. This is kind of haphazard, I know.
And I will do a better job of it next time, and show the dumbwaiter
where I can keep items refrigerated in the sub-basement.
So, I've made it a week here, and it's been easier than
I thought it would be, but it isn't Winter yet! LOL
Oh - the outhouse does have a toilet seat, so I'm not in
jeopardy of getting any splinters! ROFL
Take care All, and I'll write more soon.
Have a blessed Tuesday.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Interloping Squatters
These are the photos of what my livingroom looked like today
while I was on the couch working on the laptop.
Albert in MY rocking chair
Albert on MY footstool
Sarah in MY rocking chair
What is wrong with these photos, I ask you?
They don't even have to decency to look me in the face!
Cats, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.
Have a blessed Monday evening.
Tomorrow is moving day (I hope!)
Will keep Ya'll posted once I get to Casey Co.
Early Monday Morning
Thanks to fotosearch.com for the photos in this post.
He who created the Pleiades and Orion
and who strides the heights of creation
He is the Lord, the God of Hosts by name.
He formed the mountains and created the wind
and thru His Spirit declares His thoughts to men.
He who created the Pleiades and Orion
and who strides the heights of creation
He is the Lord, the God of Hosts by name.
song - Pleiades and Orion by John Michael Talbot
Have a blessed Monday, Everyone.
From central KY.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sunday Sabbath
God's Promise
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the Lord, "and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you," declares the Lord, "and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile."
The Promise of the Lord to the Israelites during the Babylonian exile.
As minor as the setback of not being able to move yesterday was in the big scheme of things, I found comfort in these verses which are among my favorites in the Bible. May you, too, find comfort in the fact that God has plans for your life, to give you hope and a future. Be well, everyone, on this Sunday Sabbath. God bless you All.
Best wishes from central KY.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Simple Saturday and moving delay
There was a glitch today in getting the mover-helpers here thru U-Haul to load my belongings to be moved. So the move has been rescheduled to Tuesday. Now I have time to do all of my laundry before the move. I'm tired. And I'll leave you with this simple photo of an image that can be found all over KY at this time of year. Have a blessed Saturday evening, Ya'll, and a joyous Lord's day tomorrow. My best to you all. From central KY.
Tobacco barn
Friday, September 24, 2010
Friday Fotos
You've heard of wine in a box - here is cat in a box -- Miss Annie.
Of course my cats have "cat" beds, but they
seem to like anything BUT their own beds.
Sorry for the poor quality of the photos, I have yet to master taking pics with my digital camera, plus it's a cheapy camera! I'll have to invest in a better one sometime.
Hope Ya'll have a great & blessed weekend. I will be offline for quite some time since I am moving tomorrow and don't know when I will get to the public library to update my blog. But I will have photos of the move, and pics of the cabin, etc. Thanks for all of your well-wishes for my move. The weather is going to cooperate greatly, and is supposed to be in the 70s for a high, which is great with the cats riding in the truck with me, so that they don't get too stressed with hot temperatures.
See Ya'll soon. Take care, from Fayette Co KY - soon to be Casey Co KY.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Thoughtless Thursday
No words, just a photo for this
Thoughtless Thursday
9-patch Star crib quilt
Have a blessed Thursday, Ya'll.
From central KY.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Way-Back Wednesday
As most of you know I am moving on Saturday. I have been going thru all of my storage boxes, and found these neat little figurines that I'd forgotten I had. My Mom gave them to me when she and my Dad were cleaning out my Grandpa Schanding's home after he passed away. Here are photos of the three figurines.
The cow is a little cream pitcher. And I think the donkey used to have something that would lie over its halter on its back. The pig is just a pig, albeit a little creepy looking! Here is a better shot from the side to see more of the figurines.
I do treasure these because they are so old, and my
Grandma Schanding probably picked them out. I never
knew her since she passed away in 1958. But in seeing
photos of her in her twenties, I look quite a bit like her.
Hope you enjoyed these little pieces for a Way-Back Wednesday.
Take care Ya'll, and have a blessed day.
From central KY - Fayette Co.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Treasure-Find Tuesday
I have been on the look-out for a rocking chair or two to go into the cabin and/or go out on the main floor's deck/porch. I found this one on Craigslist for $15. The cushion came with it, and I did notice that the cane seat needs some work, but it will do the job. It needs refinishing or painted. And if anyone can tell me if I need to do something to it before painting, please let me know. From the looks of it, it has been outside some, it has that weathered look and feel about it. So I know that something needs to be done to it to prolong its life. I also contacted another person with a rocking chair for $10, but haven't heard from them. I will continue to look on Craigslist to see if anything else comes up before my move on Saturday.
So, without further ado - here is the rocker that I just picked up this evening.
OK - sorry for all of the mess in the background, I'm still packing up stuff for the move. Please forgive! Whaddaya think?
Take care All - and have a blessed Tuesday evening. From central KY.
So, without further ado - here is the rocker that I just picked up this evening.
OK - sorry for all of the mess in the background, I'm still packing up stuff for the move. Please forgive! Whaddaya think?
Take care All - and have a blessed Tuesday evening. From central KY.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Sunday Evening's Sweet Dreams
May you all have sweet dreams for this Sunday night's sleep.
Good Night, Ya'll. Sleep Tight.
From central KY - Fayette Co.
Photos from fotosearch.com
Photos from fotosearch.com
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Way Back Wednesday - Canning Jars
I recently put an ad on Craigslist in the antiques section
for old canning jars. I want to use them to store
dry goods in the cabin in case of bugs and the dreaded
rodent of country-living -- the field mouse.
I was contacted by Maureen who is originally from Wisconsin,
I could tell by her accent. Actually I guessed Minnesota or
North Dakota - I was close. At any rate she told me that
she had about 47 old canning jars, blue and clear ones,
mostly Ball, some Atlas, and a Carbonic (I think) -
it is one of the clear ones with the wire bale.
These are some of the ones I unpacked from the boxes she brought
them to me in. She was gracious enough to pack them in
old wine bottle boxes - just perfect for my move on the 25th.
I don't know what these small bottles are unless they were used
for cream? Unless they were used somehow to can? I don't know.
These are some of the zinc and glass lids that she gave
me to go with all of the canning jars.
I probably paid too much for them. About a $1 a jar.
But I've always loved the looks of the blue Ball jars.
And some are the old type that say Ball Perfect Mason.
I'm washing them up in the dishwasher now so that they
will be ready for me to use once I move and can
settled in enough to start putting my dry goods that are
now in plastic bags, and boxes into the jars for safe keeping.
Just wanted to share with Ya'll this great find of mine.
On a Way Back Wednesday.
Take care everyone, and have a blessed Wednesday.
From central KY - Fayette Co.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Giveaway - HenPals Nest Box - Life on a Southern Farm
GA FarmWoman Pam and her FarmMan are having a giveaway on their site for their homemade Chicken Nesting Boxes.
You can visit their blog at Life on a Southern Farm
and post a comment for a chance to win a nesting
box that is handcrafted, expertly by FarmMan.
As you can see from the above photo, these are extremely
well built hen boxes, and I believe they are going to draw
to giveaway a 3-hole nest box which would accomodate
12 hens. You can also blog about the giveaway and
be entered 3 more times to win. And also be entered
another 3 times if you tweat about it on your
Twitter account. So head on over to
Life on a Southern Farm and look at other photos
of the nest boxes, and enter into their giveaway.
There have only been positive remarks given by those
folks who have won or bought these nest boxes.
Take care Ya'll, and have a blessed Tuesday evening.
From central KY - Fayette Co.
life on a southern farm blog
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Sweet Simple Sunday
Just a couple of photos from fotosearch.com
for this sunny Sunday Sabbath.
I hope Ya'll have a blessed and joy-filled day.
Take care, from central KY.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Silly Saturday or Autumn in Autumn
I'm sharing photos of my great-niece Autumn today. She is 20 months old, and her Mom is my niece Melissa - my brother Chris's daughter. Melissa is expecting another little girl in December right about the same time that Autumn will turn 2 yrs old. Melissa's new daughter is the one I am making the giant Granny Square afghan for. Although that has now taken a back-seat to me trying to get ready for the move that will take place in 2 weeks from today. So, as a proud great-aunt - here is Autumn.
I know you Moms out there will appreciate the photo of Autumn eating spaghetti! LOL
I guess she hasn't quite gotten down how to use silverware yet! And also, I thought I'd spare you the photo of her on the potty-training pot - just in case you're eating or something, though I know most Moms would understand. ROFL
Have a great weekend everyone. And may God bless Ya'll! From central KY.
I know you Moms out there will appreciate the photo of Autumn eating spaghetti! LOL
Have a great weekend everyone. And may God bless Ya'll! From central KY.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Thoughtful - Thankful Thursday
I was thinking today of how many years ago it had been since I'd wanted to be involved in farming, and it was back when I was in grade school and into high school. Back then, I wanted to marry a farmer, and have 12 kids, work on the farm, as well as cook huge dinners for the family and hired hands just like the farmwomen of old.
Things changed, life happened; I did get to raise some chickens, a few hogs, and a couple of heifers when I lived in Bismarck ND with my then husband, but my management skills had much to be desired, I know better now. Then I worked for 9 years with a university swine research unit; and before that helped on another university's farm with their hogs and sheep.
After working on the swine research farm, somehow I got lost, and forgot about farming and working with animals. Probably because the farm was a confinement system, and I couldn't see working with livestock in that environment any longer.
Somehow, come 2006, my yearning for farmlife returned, and I started reading up on raising chickens, and goats, and sheep - the Storey Publications. Began learning more about intensive grazing, and its benefits.
Then, that fateful day occured when I heard Suzanne McMinn on NPR's Inside Appalachia - about her blog Chickens in the Road. That's when things really turned around. But maybe some seeds were again planted when I made friends with a gal in Casey Co KY on a Yahoo group, and back then, which was about 2006, I had dreams of moving there and helping her on her farm.
I think that things happen for a reason. Most of my life I have wanted to live and work on a farm, work with livestock. I've had the chance to do a lot of that along the way, even marrying a son of a farmer, and though it didn't work out, and Steve had no want of farming, I still got to work with his Dad some on the farm and come to love it even more, and get his Dad's support in my wanting to learn and experience farmlife.
I honestly believe that God has been preparing me for this moment of getting the chance to move to Casey Co, and become involved in farming full-time. Even the experiences I had when I went camping in Amish country in Lancaster PA have shaped me to this day. When I was there, I went next door to an Amish dairy farm and asked if I could help them finish milking because it was starting to get dark, and they looked like they may need a hand, if just to carry the milk buckets to the large holding tank.
All of this reflection is just to say I've been thinking a lot today, and am increasingly grateful and thankful of the experiences, good and bad, that have brought me to this time in my life. I am thankful for all of my blogging friends who have given me the courage to do what I have dreamed of, and for their encouragement and support. I see through your experiences how many possibilities there are, and to not give up on my dreams. So I now say a heart-felt thank you.
Things changed, life happened; I did get to raise some chickens, a few hogs, and a couple of heifers when I lived in Bismarck ND with my then husband, but my management skills had much to be desired, I know better now. Then I worked for 9 years with a university swine research unit; and before that helped on another university's farm with their hogs and sheep.
After working on the swine research farm, somehow I got lost, and forgot about farming and working with animals. Probably because the farm was a confinement system, and I couldn't see working with livestock in that environment any longer.
Somehow, come 2006, my yearning for farmlife returned, and I started reading up on raising chickens, and goats, and sheep - the Storey Publications. Began learning more about intensive grazing, and its benefits.
Then, that fateful day occured when I heard Suzanne McMinn on NPR's Inside Appalachia - about her blog Chickens in the Road. That's when things really turned around. But maybe some seeds were again planted when I made friends with a gal in Casey Co KY on a Yahoo group, and back then, which was about 2006, I had dreams of moving there and helping her on her farm.
I think that things happen for a reason. Most of my life I have wanted to live and work on a farm, work with livestock. I've had the chance to do a lot of that along the way, even marrying a son of a farmer, and though it didn't work out, and Steve had no want of farming, I still got to work with his Dad some on the farm and come to love it even more, and get his Dad's support in my wanting to learn and experience farmlife.
I honestly believe that God has been preparing me for this moment of getting the chance to move to Casey Co, and become involved in farming full-time. Even the experiences I had when I went camping in Amish country in Lancaster PA have shaped me to this day. When I was there, I went next door to an Amish dairy farm and asked if I could help them finish milking because it was starting to get dark, and they looked like they may need a hand, if just to carry the milk buckets to the large holding tank.
All of this reflection is just to say I've been thinking a lot today, and am increasingly grateful and thankful of the experiences, good and bad, that have brought me to this time in my life. I am thankful for all of my blogging friends who have given me the courage to do what I have dreamed of, and for their encouragement and support. I see through your experiences how many possibilities there are, and to not give up on my dreams. So I now say a heart-felt thank you.
These are my reflections for a Thursday.
I hope Ya'll have a great rest of the evening.
Take care, from Fayette Co KY
Soon to be Casey Co KY
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