This morning is cool here in central KY. There is a breeze blowing, and I had to put on my long jean jumper instead of wearing shorts and a t-shirt like I had been doing all week long with the air conditioning running. I have the windows open and the sliding glass door open with a third of it blocked so that the cats can't get out on the balcony - I don't have a screen door to the balcony.
My youngest cat, Pookie, has a big snoot-ful of the cool breezes, and is running crazy thru the apartment chasing any of the other cats that get in his way - much to their dismay. Lots of swiping and hissing going on. I'm anxious to see how they all will do with living in the country, and having the freedom of going outside. I guess more curious than anxious. I plan to let them out when I am there at the cabin, and try and bring them in when I am gone, and especially bring them in at night.
Here is a silly photo of Pookie making himself comfortable on the couch arm, taking a break from watching the bugs that gather around the table lamp. He looks fat, but he isn't, he just has long hair, and is also growing since he just turned one year old a few months ago. It's nice having a young cat in the family again. He's a hoot!
Hope Ya'll have a great Labor Day weekend. Here in central KY the weather is going to be wonderful, with highs in the mid-70s, with low 50s at night, and right now it's 54 at 8:00am. Take care, and have a blessed Saturday, from Fayette Co KY.
About Me

- Kathy in KY
- Fayette Co, KY, United States
- I am a country girl stuck in the city, for the time-being. I enjoy the country way of life, and practice that in my home as best I can by canning and preserving foods, cooking and baking from scratch, crocheting, living vicariously thru the many blogs I follow about country life. I enjoy learning about raising livestock, and glean from my past employment and personal experiences of working with animals to fuel some of my postings. I have 5 cats, who keep my life interesting. And I am also an amateur poet. Thanks for stopping by and checking out this Farmer-gal who is caught in town, for now.
Wow, what a large, beautiful kitty. I get the impression he might rule the roost! BTW that is quite the pose. Have a great weekend, "Earl" did not amount to much here, just a bit of rain.
I just found your blog and wanted to just say that I've enjoyed my visit, especially because I'm from Kentucky (around Elizabethtown) and it's always good to get a glimpse of life in a state that has heart! I hope you have an enjoyable weekend!! :-)
Kathy, I hope that you are having a lovely holiday weekend, too. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. When I asked how you planned to make a living when you move to your cabin in the country, I had no idea that the answer would come back that you are (or will be) retired! All this time, as I have been reading about your plans, I've been thinking--ah, to be young again, like Kathy!
Good Morning Kathy! Cool here in MissouREE too. I read the previous post and I think this move of yours is going to be good reading. Love hearing about your kitties and pictures are always fun. Enjoy your cool temps and your holiday!
Hey Kathy, I am sitting here in central KY enjoying this cool morning as well. Isn't it great?! Have a wonderful holiday weekend.
Your cats are going to love the country! Whiskers and Troubles learned how to open the screen doors with their paws so go in and out all the time. No litter boxes as they go outside to do their business. They love laying on the porch railing sunbathing. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy this beautiful weather!!
We actually got out of the truck at 2 yard sales, today!!! Didn't buy but, Hey. Yesterday, 101F high, today suppose to get 88F. Low tonight 59F. I dread winters' freezing temps. Fall weather is great. Remember, no labor on Labor day.
Hi Julie - I'm glad you just got rain from Earl. I was wondering how you fared in the storm. Pookie is big - about 15 lbs, and he is probably still growing. I have one other male that is the same weight.
Hi Kim - thanks for coming by for a visit. I will be in Liberty KY, moving there at the end of Sept, but I'm not sure how far away that is from Elizabethtown. I know where E-town is, just not in relation to Casey Co.
clairz - I took an early retirement from the state, and am also on SSDI because of bi-polar disorder - so this moving to the country is really going to be my therapy. I'll turn 47 in Nov of this year.
Rural Rambler - thanks for stopping by. The move is going to be great, and the cooler temps are nice - it still feels just a little chilly to me since it was up to 98 I think on Thurs of this past week. Glad you enjoy Pookie's photo.
Good Morning Farmchick - it is wonderful, and I will feel much more energized to get going on cleaning out junk that I don't need any longer for the move at the end of the month. I have some things I've been toting with me since 1991, and it's never gotten unpacked - time to simplify. Enjoy your weekend, too.
Hi Peggy - I can't wait to move to give the cats freedom. The cabin is about a mile off of the main road in both ways, so no problem with getting hit, I hope. There are 2 small decks on the cabin, one on the main floor, and one from the loft - I think they'll love it, and I will since I won't have to fiddled so much with their cat litter pans!
Hi Mike - no yard sales for me, although I think the folks having them this week are going to be so glad the weather is good. I also dread winter, especially since there's a chance of getting snowed in once in a while if we get heavy snows. By snowed in, I mean use of the truck. I can easily walk out to the main road, and down the road to neighbors if I need anything. You have a good weekend, go to a yard sale for me.
I loved your comment on Misha's blog. When I read on her post how that horse was treated, I can feel vibration of every nerve. It makes me so angry that people do this. They are made up exactly like us with the same fears, emotions....everything.
P.S. I like your blog. I'm keeping you around. :))
Thanks Lucy - some say I am too sensitive to the treatment of animals, and I have to say that it hurts me more to see animals hurting than people because of their innocence and reliance on humans to take care of them. That being said, I do enjoy farming, and though I'd probably be vegetarian rather than consuming the livestock I might raise, I am totally for the humane treatment of them, and make sure they are raised in their most natural environment and treated with great respect and love. Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your comments, and keeping me around, I'm glad you enjoy my blog - that is a high compliment.
Cute fat cat -smile-. I've got fat horses and 5 of them are on a diet which means they aren't happy, not even one little bit.
Having animals is far more responsibility than having children. At least children are primed to grow up and leave home -grin-.
Hi Kathy,
Great picture of Pookie. Also, I know what you mean about people thinking you are too sensitive to animals. I'm the same way. I believe the "golden rule" (do unto others as you'd have them do to you) applies not only to people, but animals as well. Cruel people make no sense to me at all and I just have a hard time having any sympathy for them, regardless of how they were raised or the circumstances in their lives.
Thanks,Kathy (is this how you spell your name?) I worked for 9 yrs in a hog confinement,and wonder how I could've made it that long - it's an awful way for animals to be raised. And the same goes for the large feedlots - no un-natural, and unhealthy for animals and humans. Thanks for your encouragement and support. Take care, and have a great Sunday.
Ha!! That couch pic of Pookie made me LAUGH. Gosh, how I wish I weren't so allergic to cats - I love them to death, but my lungs don't appreciate them one bit.
He sure is a character, isn't he?
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