{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
I'm linking to Andrea at Rural Revival for this Friday moment.
My oldest cat, Miss Sarah, a.k.a. Boo-boo. She is getting crotchety in her old age, but she still sticks pretty close to me, moreso than my other 4 cats. Not always lying in my lap, but close by, usually like here, on the arm of the couch beside me while I am on the laptop or crocheting. She'll turn 16 this year, and I've had her since she was about 8 weeks old, when I got her from the Humane Society the day after Thanksgiving 1994 when I first moved to Lexington.
What is your Friday moment?
Take care Ya'll, from KY.
About Me

- Kathy in KY
- Fayette Co, KY, United States
- I am a country girl stuck in the city, for the time-being. I enjoy the country way of life, and practice that in my home as best I can by canning and preserving foods, cooking and baking from scratch, crocheting, living vicariously thru the many blogs I follow about country life. I enjoy learning about raising livestock, and glean from my past employment and personal experiences of working with animals to fuel some of my postings. I have 5 cats, who keep my life interesting. And I am also an amateur poet. Thanks for stopping by and checking out this Farmer-gal who is caught in town, for now.
What a sweetie and what a great moment. Nothing better than the warmth of beloved feline close by, good for the soul I think.
She looks like a sweetie, with a bit of attitude.
Yes, she can be a sweetie most of the time, but she doesn't like anyone but me; and even in her old age, she can get a wild-hair and go running silly around the apartment. Can't wait to let her have some freedom in the country; she won't know what to do with herself! thanks for your comments Andrea and Farmchick.
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