About Me

My photo
Fayette Co, KY, United States
I am a country girl stuck in the city, for the time-being. I enjoy the country way of life, and practice that in my home as best I can by canning and preserving foods, cooking and baking from scratch, crocheting, living vicariously thru the many blogs I follow about country life. I enjoy learning about raising livestock, and glean from my past employment and personal experiences of working with animals to fuel some of my postings. I have 5 cats, who keep my life interesting. And I am also an amateur poet. Thanks for stopping by and checking out this Farmer-gal who is caught in town, for now.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Giveaway - HenPals Chicken Nest Box - Life on a Southern Farm

GAFarmWoman - Pam at Life on a Southern Farm is having a giveaway for a 2-hole chicken nest box.

These are hand-made by FarmMan.

If you would like to enter, go to Life on a Southern Farm
and leave a comment on Pam's blog.

The closing for entries is on Friday, July 30th at midnight EST.
The winner will be announced on Saturday, July 31st.

You can see more photos of the nest boxes in use
on Pam's blogsite. Good luck to those of you
who enter the drawing.

Take care All, and have a blessed Tuesday.
From KY.


Michelle said...

Hey Kathy,
Thanks for visiting my blog and I am glad I found yours! Nice to see another KY person floating around blogland. Casey County is a nice place to relocate and I hope the cabin rental works out for you. Sounds great!

Kentucky Farm Girl said...

Hey 3 KY gals in one place! PARTY!!! LOL! Just thought I'd stop in and say hi! I'm in Crittenden County. Found you through Chickens in the Road.